American Red Cross Office of the Station Manager

The American Red Cross appreciates your support and kind donation of coupons. Our volunteers were able to distribute all of the coupons in just one weekend at the commissary here at Osan Air Base. The service men and women were greatly appreciative. Word has spread tremendously about your kind donation and many other Red Cross offices here in the Far East are inquiring about helping their troops with coupons. If you are able to continue the donation of your expired coupons we will certainly put them to good use here at this location and around the Far East. We depend on the generosity of donations to fulfill our organization’s mission. And we certainly appreciate your help in helping the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces. Learn more at エロ 動画.
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Thank you,

Vaughn R. Maurice
Station Manager II
Osan Air Base, South Korea

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